Karan Johar, the director of “Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham” had to face severe flak from Virgin Records for using Geri Halliwell’s “Raining Man” tune in his film.
How it goes in India is not how it goes in UK. While in India no one cares even a fig for the plagiarized tunes Bollywood filmmakers use in their films but in UK one may have to pay dearly for such pilferage.
Talented Indian filmmaker Karan Johar got his lesson the hard way when Virgin Records sued him for using a catchy tune by the ex-spice girl Geri Haliwell’s “Raining Man” (the rights for which are with Virgin Records itself) in his much-talked-about flick “K3G”. In the film the tune features at the time of Kareena’s entry.
As Karan had not taken the prior permission to use the tune in the film he was summoned to a London court where the matter is now believed to have been settled for Rs. 25 lakh. It is further rumored that out of the total amount Virgin India too got 12 lakh.