10 Ways To Use Egg White For Blackheads Removal

Blackheads are small lumps created on the surface of your skin which means that the hair follicles seem to be blocked on that part. It usually occurs on your face as tiny black bumps, but it can also appear on the chest and back. It looks dark and is often difficult to remove using a face wash or soap. Egg white for blackheads have nutrients that help cure skin discolouration.

Applying masks with egg white on them can help remove the blackheads, once the mask dries up and is ready to be peeled off. Here are ten different ways to use egg whites to effectively remove blackheads from your skin:

Egg White for Blackheads Face Masks

1. Plain egg whites mask

For this, you need to break two eggs and separate the egg white for the yolk. Place the egg whites in a bowl and whisk them with a fork until it turns foamy. Apply this paste-like foam on your face and areas where you have blackheads, and cover it with a tissue. Rest it for half an hour or even more until it dries up completely. Now peel it off carefully, and wash your face with clean water.

Apply it two to three times a week for best results. This will effectively reduce blackheads and make your skin look brighter with no spots at all.


egg white for blackheads


2. Lemon and egg white mask

Lemon juice is known to cure blackheads, acne, and every other kind of blockage on the skin. It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin P, and phytoncides, which effectively help to remove dirt and other harmful particles from your skin, and also tighten your skin tissues to prevent further accumulation of blackheads.

Break an egg and remove the yolk from the egg white. Then, add two to three tablespoons of lemon juice to the egg white and mix well. Apply this mixture to your face, and let it dry for an hour or so. Remove it after it dries, and clean your face with water. Repeat this process three to four times a week, and you will get to see the results in no time.


egg white for blackheads


3. Honey and egg white mask

Honey contains gluconic acid which helps your skin exfoliate, and thus it effectively removes any dirt or unwanted accumulations on your skin. It is a natural antibiotic that has glucose oxidase in it. This in turn releases hydrogen peroxide which acts as a disinfectant upon the pores of your skin, thereby removing acne, and blackheads effectively. Honey is also an antioxidant with anti-bacterial and moisturizing properties, which makes your skin soft so that blackheads cannot settle at all.

Extract the egg white from an egg and add two tablespoons of honey and mix it. Apply this paste to your face, and let it dry out. Rinse off and clean your face thereafter, and perform this two to three times every week to visualize the results effectively. Make sure that you use organic honey which has natural ingredients in it.


egg white for blackheads


4. Green tea and egg white mask

Green tea has six different catechins which are known to effectively remove blackheads and acne in no time. It also has antibacterial and astringent properties which help to reduce the pore size on your skin, and thus the chances of blackheads forming on your face become low. Green tea helps to reduce sebum production, which also helps to control blackhead formation.

For preparing the mask you need to prepare green tea and allow it to cool down. Next, you need to separate the egg white from the yolk of one egg and place the egg white in a bowl. Add green tea gradually to form a semi-liquid mixture. Apply this on your face with the help of a brush, let it dry, and clean your face thereafter. You need to repeat this twice a week for better results.


egg white for blackheads


5. Sugar and egg white mask

Sugar acts as a natural exfoliant for your skin, with the presence of glycolic acid that penetrates your skin cells and helps them loosen in order to remove blackheads. It is also a humectant, which helps to keep your skin moisturized for a long time. This prevents the occurrence of further acne and blackheads in the future. It also prevents the sebaceous glands of the skin from producing excess oil, thus enabling your face to look clear and glowing.

Whisk the egg whites of two eggs until it forms a foam. Add two tablespoons of sugar to this foam and mix it well. Apply this mixture to your face and allow it to dry. Peel it off after half an hour, and wash your face. Repeat this three to four times a week. 


egg white for blackheads


6. Baking soda and egg white mask

Baking soda also helps to exfoliate your skin cells, with antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties helping the skin to shed off blackheads without damaging the skin. Baking soda also has astringent properties, which prevents the excess production of sebum in the skin, thus reducing the chances of further dirt accumulation on your skin.

Remove the egg white from the yolk of an egg, and whisk it thoroughly. In another bowl, take two tablespoons of baking powder, and add some water to it to form a thick paste. Now, add this paste to the egg white foam to form a mixture. Apply this to your face and massage it well. Then, let it dry for ten minutes, and wash it off. You will get clearer skin in a few days if you apply this paste regularly.


egg white for blackheads

7. Apple cider vinegar and egg white mask

Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful remedy for curing blackheads and skin discolouration. It has acetic acid, anti-oxidant, and astringent properties which help maintain the pH level of your skin. It helps to suck out the harmful particles off your skin and make it look clear and brighter. It also has beta carotene in it, which helps to cure blackheads and make your skin glow.

You need to break an egg and separate the egg white and whisk it to form a foam. In another bowl, take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and mix it with a little bit of water. Then, add the mixture to the egg white foam to form a mixture. Apply this on your face and let it sit for 20-30 minutes until your skin feels tight. Rinse it off with cold water and wash your face. You need to do this regularly, and you will notice changes in your skin within a week.


egg white for blackheads


8. Sea salt and egg white mask

Sea salt is rich in iodine, sulfur, chlorine, and calcium, and it acts as a great exfoliator for your skin. It helps to reduce the blackheads, and regulate proper blood circulation on your face. It also maintains the pH balance of your skin, and when mixed with egg whites, it can do wonders to make your skin look clearer in no time.

Separate the egg white from an egg and whisk it until foams start appearing. Add a pinch of sea salt to this. You may also add a tablespoon of lemon juice to it for better results. Mix them well, apply them on your face where you have the most blackheads, and rinse off after it dries. Repeat this two to three times a week for quick results.


egg white for blackheads


9. Oats and egg white

This might sound like a bizarre combination, but it can help you get rid of blackheads easily. This is because oats contain saponin, which helps you clear your skin effectively. The rough texture of oats makes it a good exfoliator for your skin as well. Oats also absorb extra oil on your skin which prevents further accumulation of dirt. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of oats make them a great home remedy ingredient for removing blackheads and acne. Cook oatmeal as directed and let it cool.

Whisk an egg white separately and add two tablespoons of oatmeal to it. Apply this on your face and massage gently. Wash it off after it dries and cleans your face. Do this regularly for the best results.


egg white for blackheads


10. Yoghurt and egg white

Yoghurt contains lactic acid which helps in exfoliation. It also has probiotic enzymes which help to remove impurities from your skin, boost up blood circulation, and moisturize and nourish your skin thereafter. Whisk an egg white until foams form, and add two tablespoons of yoghurt to it. Mix it well and apply it to your face. Let it dry for half an hour, and then wash it off and clean your face. Repeat this three to four times a week.

Final Word

Home remedies work excellently in treating blackheads on your skin. They are safe to use as they do not have any side effects. You can try the above-mentioned remedies with egg masks for your skin, and you will witness the results within a few days. Masks with egg whites in them not only help to remove blackheads but also prevents them from occurring any further. 

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